In the pursuit of ultimate profit, humans began to harness and exploit the earth's natural resources at an unparalleled rate. Over time, improper handling of natural resources has led to many negative effects, including mining, deforestation, pollution, and degradation of the land. Regrettably, this has caused significant ecological imbalance, biodiversity loss, and environmental damage.

Symptoms of unsustainable practices such as single-use plastic, fast fashion, habitat destruction, and climate change have been exacerbated by human behaviors toward the environment.  As these practices have negatively impacted our earth, they have mirrored collimated impacts on our species far beyond ecological damage.

In addition to health crises and food-water security, encompassing social and cultural dimensions have emerged as an additional unfavorable impact, reshaping topics like the identity of human societies and challenging the very essence of what it means to be human as urgent threads to be studied, and we must deeply work upon them for balanced solutions.

In our global journey through pursuing life sustainability, renewable energy has become the ethical new fuel to accomplish this path. The world has decided to change the way we generate and consume energy into constant replenishment from natural sources in our external nature. While doing this sustainable shift, we did not turn an eye to our imbalanced internal energy that has its mutual share with Earth in all the unfavorable impulsive shivers.

The shared wound between earth and humans has started since we transitioned into the modern industrial era. Focusing more on fast economic growth and short-term gains, humans have gained more materialistic features during their achievements without considering the evanesce of human’s spiritual elements. Not enlightened that we share our energy elements within with unconsidered life energies.